HOW TO ACHIEVE A SET GOAL A lecture by Solomon Mark (a career plus coach) When you plan and prepare carefully, you can legitimately expect to have success in your efforts. When you recognize and develop the winning qualities that you were born with, the winner you were born to be emerges. Although not all your expectations are going to come to pass, you give yourself an infinitely better chance of succeeding by taking the proper steps. Regardless of your goal—losing weight, furthering your education, earning a promotion, saving money for a new home or an exotic vacation—you can expect to achieve your goal if you plan and prepare for it. Steps To a Successful Goal 1. Build a solid foundation. Honesty, character, integrity, trust, love, loyalty. This foundation will give you an honest shot at reaching any goal you have properly set. 2. Make the commitment. The most practical, beautiful, workable philosophy in the world won't work—if you won't. As M...