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Achieving Set Goals


A lecture by Solomon Mark (a career plus coach)

 When you plan and prepare carefully, you can legitimately expect to have success in your efforts.
 When you recognize and develop the winning qualities that you were born with, the winner you were born to be emerges.
Although not all your expectations are going to come to pass, you give yourself an infinitely better chance of succeeding by taking the proper steps.
Regardless of your goal—losing weight, furthering your education, earning a promotion, saving money for a new home or an exotic vacation—you can expect to achieve your goal if you plan and prepare for it.

Steps To a Successful Goal

1. Build a solid foundation.
Honesty, character, integrity, trust, love, loyalty.
This foundation will give you an honest shot at reaching any goal you have properly set.

2. Make the commitment.
The most practical, beautiful, workable philosophy in the world won't work—if you won't.
 As Mary Crowley said, "One person with a commitment is worth a hundred who only have an interest."

3. Break it down.
Break down your intermediate and long-range goals into increments.

4. See it.
If you want to reach a goal, you must “see the reaching” in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.
In your imagination, see yourself receiving that diploma, getting that job or promotion, making that speech, moving into your dream home, achieving that weight-loss goal…whatever its possible you can take it.

5. Hold yourself accountable.
Daily discipline is the key to reaching your goals.
Record your progress toward your goals every night, and list the six most important things you need to do the next day.

6. Expect change.
Make a decision to move toward a goal carefully—but be willing to change your direction to get there as conditions and circumstances demand. Always push on.

7. Be a team player.
You can have everything you want in life if you will just help enough other people get what they want.

8. Write it all down.
Each time you reach a goal, your confidence will grow so that you can do bigger and better things.
After accomplishing any goal, write about it—in your journal, wherever.
Every success written down is a success stored.

9. Reflect.
What you get by reaching your destination isn't nearly as important as what you become by reaching your goals.
What you will become is the winner you were born to be.

How to get Motivated on your journey to achieve your goal...

How do you stay motivated and inspired?
How can you keep your passion, your excitement, fired up?
Join me as we journey together.
The best motivation is self-motivation. Here’s how to get in an inspired state of mind.

1. Get serious.
Your life is like a shadow going up the dark side of a hill—until the moment you decide that "I'm going to be the best at what I do.”

2. Know your limiting step.
What's your limiting step?
What's the one skill area that's holding you back?
What's the quality? What's the action? Ask other people.
 Find out what you need to become good at.
Find out what's keeping you stuck.

3. Get around the right people.
Who are the right people? Winners.
Get around positive people. Get around people with goals and plans, people who are going somewhere with their lives and have high aspirations.
Get around eagles.
Zig Ziglar says, "You can't scratch with the turkeys if you want to fly with the eagles."
And get away from negative people as far as possible.
Get away from toxic people that complain and whine and moan all the time. You don't need failures, especially those that failed completely in their mind.

4. Take care of yourself.
Take excellent care of your health.
That means good diet, good exercise. If you're going to work hard five days a week, go to bed early five days a week.

5. See yourself as the best.
Visualize yourself as the very best in whatever you do—continually.
Remember, all improvement in your life begins with an improvement in your mental pictures.

 6. Talk nicely to yourself.
Control your inner dialogue and practice positive self-talk.
 How? Say,
"I'm the best."
Say, “I like myself,”
“I can do it,”
“I love my work.”
 If you say those things to yourself and you don't believe them, isn’t that lying to yourself? No, that's not lying to yourself—it’s telling the truth in advance.
 Because it doesn't matter where you're coming from—all that matters is where you're going.
Talk to yourself the way you want to be, not the way you just happen to be at this moment.
Remember, you may have gotten where you are today largely by accident.

But where you're going in the future is purely by design.
Last Point..

7. Get going.
Move fast.
A sense of urgency is the one thing you can develop that will separate you from everyone else.
Develop a bias for action. When you get a good idea, do it now. And the faster you move, the better you get.

And the better you get, the more you like yourself. And the more you like yourself, the higher your self-esteem is.

And the higher your self-esteem is, the greater your self-discipline is.
Lastly, and the more you persist, then you ultimately become unstoppable.

Cheers to your success!

If you'd like to get more teachings and lectures from the renown Solomon Mark, send him a message on Whatsapp via this number 08086819718.


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